
Monday, November 8, 2010

A Bubble Parable

A Bubble Parable - Chandre (13 April 2005)

We find ourselves in this bubble, totally oblivious to the lives of others around us, bouncing along, not sure where we are going and what we're going to do when we get there. Along the way there are road signs, and flashing lights, and pointing index fingers, "Go this way", "Go That". I'm beginning to think my bubble will burst.

It's kinda hard to see clearly when the rays of different colours, beam off the edge of the bubble, temporary blinding us and making it very difficult to depend on your own intuition to make it through.

As I look into the others bubbles, I see a variety of reactions and expressions. Some lay calmly, almost asleep as their bubbles bounce over rocks, make last minute detours around rivers and just about miss huge, frightening trucks. Others, scream, throw fits and weep over the tiniest little stone.I see others with a determined expression, ready for anything, yet those very same people crash and bump, yet it doesn't seem to phase them. They're quite content having bruises all over!!? And then there are the inbetweeners, sort of similar to me... that see the rock ahead, am about to get scared, but then begin to trust and the bubble gently avoids the rock. Amazed I will rejoice, and wonder why I didn't trust in the first place, only to see the next rock and freak out.

Enough about bubbles, Where do you find yourself in life? Which bubble do u find yourself in? You see there's a part of this story that I've left out. The part that determines, where you're going, and exactly how the road is to there. You, See there was more than just people in bubbles in this story, and though it seemed that everything was left to chance, or coincidence, Someone greater than all those people and all those bubbles and all the rocks along the way was there and was in control of it all. The people who took matters in their own hands found the challenges were to great for the them. The people who rested in the knowledge that their lives are not their own sailed smoothly through most challenges. They weren't without trials, but the trials didn't master them. Still others, lived in Fear and the smallest test became a gigantic problem, while some who were still overcoming their fear as they saw the moment they trusted, they made through whatever they were going through.

The bottom line is when you find yourself in a bubble:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3: 5 - 6

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