
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My heart is still so far from where it should be
Selfishness and sin creeps in so quickly
And muddles up all my best intentions
Yet still you call, "Follow me!"

You say "Give it up, Lose your Life"
I look around, surely you can't use little frail old me?
But that is exactly how beautiful
your upside down gospel is.

You call cheaters, liars, adulterers and murderers
Zacheus, Judas Peter and Paul
All had the opportunity to meet
and be transformed by you.

A little bit of hope is enough to start a fire
that blazes across homes, communities and nations
You whisper in my ear
"Did you  forget who you are?"

"You are my daughter,(*son)
 You were made in my image
All the days ordained for you were written in my book
before one of them came to be!

I am with you, I will never leave you
And will work all things together for your good
Seek first my kingdom, my peace, my rest and and my call
and all these things, the desires of your heart will be added to you!"

I have a choice to hold onto my life
Let comfort, fear, insecurity, and deep down misery keep me bound
Or let go and say "Yes Lord, Here I am, Send me!"

I let go and let you complete my story, lead me?
One sucks the life out of me,
The other to a life I could not have made on my own,
Christ in me.

Here I stand again on the brink
of myself and your dream
I say "Yes Lord!"
You accept me with my sins and frailty.

Cause only moulded by You will I be
A shiny reflection of Your glory.
I don't know what or how or when
But I surrender once again, My Lord,Father and King

And so the world gets changed
One my one by broken people like me
Upside down gospel,
isn't it? :)

     - Chandré De Wet (21/06/2011)

Friday, June 10, 2011


Chip Chip Chip
God's chipping away
The chaff and the chaos
the excuses and complaints
Stripping and Pruning
Prodding and Testing
My good intentions
Checking my motives
My promises, My vows
till I'm gold refined by fire

Will I trust in You Lord
Will I let go what I hold onto so tightly
Legitimate needs, Honourable dreams
But idols if not orchestrated by You
why am i fighting your beautymaking process
why am i struggling to surrender
those who trust in you will not be put to shame
i will make the Lord my refuge.
Here I am Lord
I am afraid, I am scared
but I know it's only in You
that I find my rest,all that I am.

Break me, mould me, take away, rebuild me
Teach me, show me, lead me, guide me
Love me, whisper to me, hold me, Comfort me
Anchor me, Bless me, Restore me, Ressurect me
Just don't let go of me
And don't stop working me
Even though I am stubborn at times
May I become all that you want me to be O Lord
Let me become a child, your daughter, your holy people
Let me decrease and you increase
till all all sees
Is Your glory in me.
Christ in me, the hope of Glory!
Don't give up on me Lord,
Keep interceding for me :)

10 June 2011