
Thursday, September 1, 2011


We use words to say,
What we believe
We say Lord, Your will
We want to receive
When will it move beyond
good intention
Will we see the fruit
or just hear the words we mention

You've got to surrender your pride
A broken heart he will not despise (psalm 51) That's what he desires
Will we lay down our life.
Will we lay it down
Will we crossover
Will we live what we say
Will we trust Him
He sees what we hide
He sees our hearts
Will we humble
Will we lay it down
Will we lay it down
Will we surrender.

We want to sacrifice
But will we give the sacrifice he desires,Will we lay down our life.

Email from which this song was formulated from:
Crossover - Reaching the point of surrender
Psalm 51
 16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
      you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
 17 The sacrifices of God are [c] a broken spirit;
      a broken and contrite heart,
      O God, you will not despise.
When will we move beyond our words, when will we move beyond our good
intentions, when will we crossover. God loves us so much, he's
constantly working in our hearts and lives, his spirit is guiding us
into all truth, strengthening and helping us, but there is a point where
God wants us to break, a part where he wants us to let go, a part where
he wants us to cross over.
We say, Oh Lord we want to be like you. Oh Lord please, change our
hearts, Your will be done Lord, You are our Lord... But God sees our
hearts, He sees our intentions and hidden motives. He sees what we hide
from our words but also sees what is hidden in our hearts even from us.
God wants us to humble ourselves. To die. To crossover. He doesn't want
more words, which sometimes leaves us feeling good about ourselves, he
doesn't want more promises or even a list of to do's that we may even
do. He wants us become broken, to realise who he is and die to
ourselves, to surrender our pride, to surrender even our desires, that
is His desires, a broken spirit.
Psalm 131:1
My heart is not proud, O LORD,
My eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
I'm not saying dont pray, dont ask, don't seek. But what I am saying is
there's a point of crossover, and that's what God wants us to be there.
And you don't get there with words or with actions, but with humility.
So let us always keep this in mind, it's not about all the fireworks,
and goosebumps and wonderful fuzzy warm feelings. Or doing the right
christian things because we know in bible school it said this or
Its about being aware of this great and awesome God who has done more
for us than we can even imagine and has even left us His Spirit to
enable us to live the life He desires us to. But it begins in our hearts
people, i'm reminded of Paul saying " We always carry around in our body
the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in
our body."
Guys move beyond your words, your intentions, its possible, cry out to
God, rebuke urself when you have pride, move beyond pride to humility.
Let your heart be quietened before Him.

Fri, 13 Oct 2006

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