
Monday, November 8, 2010

The Foreverness of God…

Just been thinking about God and how everything he does is forever,eternal, never ending…

I think about His eternal love…undending…
I think about the cross how it was for all people, forever after that.
I think about how He made eternity for us.
I think about how He is outside of time. There’s just no end.
I think about how he said let there be light, and today that light is still reaching out, stretching and reaching galaxies, unknown till the light came and continues to go on.

Everything from God and in God is eternal, lasts forever. It is unending, knows no limits, no boundaries and continues to go out, reaching further and further, getting closer, yet still so far to go, and keep going.

So doesn’t it just seem right that when it comes to things of us, that You wouldn’t still work in Your forever way. That Your purposes in our lives are just events and not something that You are continuing and growing and changing.

Oh Lord when you saved us, it wasn’t only so we could now rest assured that we are going to heaven, it wasn’t only so that we can know our sins are now forgiven because of the blood of the lamb. It wasn’t a once off thing. It was an eternal ever changing, ever growing, ever shaping, ever taking us to the next glory, higher and higher, till we realise we only reached the tip of the iceberg and that you have even more install for us.

Eternal things are things that can’t be measured, can’t be put into a box, can’t stop it from moving because there are just no boundaries, no edges, no markings, it just keeps going where it’s never been before, new places, new dreams replacing old ones, newer dreams replacing the new ones, new joys, new challenges, yet new rewards, victories, only to find that the new is old again and there’s more in store.

Let us never stop seeking and serving this eternal God, let us never think that our love is enough, and always seek to be more, do more, love more, give more, show more, surrender more, to the God who’s more never ends. May we realise that what He began in us, wasn’t meant to end then, but that even now, he is longing for us to press in even more and not be satisfied with just yesterday’s blessings, but just desire, take hold of the abundance and the “more” he has!

May we forever be changed and want to be changed, be in His presence and desire to be, be humbled and want to be broken before and eternal God, who eternally loves, shapes and saves. May we always place our lives in His hands and allow His hands to mould us into what He had planned for us since the beginning of time.

Love you Lord.

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